3 January 2013

DIY: Free iphone 4 & 5 cover design!

To all you trendsters, now is the time to get a clear iPhone case if you don't already have one. Why? Because I'm giving away Maiko Nagao designed iphone covers to all my beautiful readers

Just print and place the art inside of the clear case and there you have it! A new case! I will be posting more designs throughout the year so watch this space people!



  1. I know they are free but how can we make such iPhone covers on ourselves? Can you ship them if we pay you for them?

  2. Hi Maya, lovely to hear form you!. Just print out the jpg, cut it out and place inside of a clear case (available at any dollar stores) and there you have it. Let me know how it goes for you. Otherwise, you can purchase my designs here http://society6.com/MaikoNagao/Geo-Skull-YIq_iPhone-Case

  3. Can you post a plain template to follow so we can make our own designs? :)
